Saturday, March 26, 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Fourth Sunday in Lent - Year C

God of new life, there’s a wideness in your mercy like the wideness of the sea. Be close today to all who know what it means to be lost or alone. Your love is broader than the measures of our mind. Have mercy on those who find themselves in the depths of despair out of foolishness or hastiness or greed or willfulness. Show them the way back to your gracious embrace that their life would be renewed so that they would respond with lives lived in grateful service to others in your holy name.

In your loving-kindness, O God have mercy and hear our prayer.

God of peace that passes all understand, you save your people from harm and danger, you rescue those surrounded by threats and violence. Protect the people of Ukraine in this time of war and give wisdom to the leaders of the nations that they would find a pathway to peace. Keep those who work to bring relief and assistance to all those impacted by this war, that humanitarian aid would not be hindered in any manner.

In your loving-kindness, O God have mercy and hear our prayer.

God of compassionate love, you hear the cry of the distressed and destitute, turn your ear to those who are suffering physically, emotionally or spiritually. To those who are ill or recovering from surgery bring healing and wholeness. Surround those in hospital with your comforting and restorative presence, (names) and those we name in our hearts. Strengthen all in this congregation who face struggles, that they would be better equipped to deal with their circumstances.

In your loving-kindness, O God have mercy and hear our prayer.

God of gracious patience, you have reconciled us to yourself through Christ by not counting our sins against us. You given us the ministry of reconciliation. Make us people who are merciful and forgiving that we may know the blessing of being peacemakers, showing welcome and acceptance of others in the same manner of Christ our Lord. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we can fulfill the ministry and mission you have given to all who follow your Son.

In your loving-kindness, O God have mercy and hear our prayer.

In a moment of silence we bring you the concerns that weigh on our hearts, trusting that you will hear them.  (a brief time of silence)

We bring these prayers before your throne of grace through Jesus Christ and in the mystery of the Holy Spirit. Amen.