Saturday, April 2, 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Fifth Sunday in Lent - Year C

God of new life, you reach out to embrace your people with new purpose and new possibilities. Give us the wisdom to know and the perseverance to follow your will all the days of our life. Open our ears to hear your upward call in Christ Jesus, that we do not remain stuck in the ways that lead to death and destruction. Protect those who are surrounded by death and destruction in Ukraine, keep them safe in the midst of this evil war. Make a way for those who seek to bring aid to the people who are suffering, remove any obstacles that threaten to delay or disrupt these relief efforts. Through your Holy Spirit inspire the leaders of nations to make decisions and take actions that will end this war and bring peace that will last.

In your loving-kindness, O God have mercy and hear our prayer.

God of extravagant grace, you pour out on your people an abundance of blessings. Open our eyes to see the wonders of your love shown to us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Help us to order our lives with priorities of our Savior. He reminded us that there will always be poor and disadvantaged people to care for. Give us the same heart of compassion that Jesus has, that we might pursue the work of reconciliation and justice with commitment and energy.

In your loving-kindness, O God have mercy and hear our prayer.

God of compassionate love, you make paths in the wilderness of our lives, and streams in the desert of our despair, guide those who feel lost and alone due to circumstances beyond their control, renew the lives of those who suffer from illness, grief and disappointment. Be present with those in hospital, and work through the nurses and doctors to restore health or provide comfort, we pray especially for (names) For those who grieve the loss of a loved one grant them comfort and strength, we pray this week for the family and friends of (names).

In your loving-kindness, O God have mercy and hear our prayer.

God of wondrous beauty, you have created an amazing world filled with a diversity of life and landscape. Open our hearts to the gift of your creation, that we might treat all people and places with respectful care and concern. Where the environment is threatened and treated as disposable trash, where people are disregarded and deemed of little value, help us to do the work of restoration and protection, giving proper value to all you have created.

In your loving-kindness, O God have mercy and hear our prayer.

In a moment of silence we bring you the concerns that weigh on our hearts, trusting that you will hear them.  (a brief time of silence)

We bring these prayers before your throne of grace through Jesus Christ and in the mystery of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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